Page Properties

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from Generic. View the class hierarchy.

ColorsGets or sets the foreground and background colors of a tab control page. Details
Colors:BG ColorGets or sets the background color of the tab control page. Details
Colors:FG ColorGets or sets the foreground color of the tab control page. Details
Controls on Page[]Returns an array of references to the controls and indicators on a page. The order in which you place the objects on the page determines the index of the object in the array. For example, if the first object you place on the page is a numeric control, the index of the numeric control in the array returned by this property is 0. Details
Decorations on Page[]Gets an array of references to all decorations on a tab control page. Details
DescriptionGets or sets the description of a tab control page. Details
Independent LabelMakes the tab control page caption independent of the page label. Details
Objects on Page[]Gets an array of references to all controls, indicators, and decorations on a page. Details
Page Enabled StateGets or sets the state of a tab control page. Details
Page LabelGets the label of a tab control page. Details
Page VisibleShows or hides individual pages of a tab control. Details
Tab CaptionGets or sets the text of a caption on a tab control page. Details
Tip StripGets or sets the tip strip of a tab control page. A tip strip is the brief description of the object that appears when you move the cursor over the object. Other products refer to tip strips as tooltips. Details