Network Stream Endpoint Properties

Property Description
Available Elements for Reading Returns the number of elements available for reading from the stream. If you call this property on a writer endpoint, you receive an error. Details
Available Elements for Writing Returns the number of elements available for writing to the stream. If you call this property on a reader endpoint, you receive an error.Details
Buffer Size Returns the size, in elements, of the buffer you specified when you created the stream.Details
Connected Returns TRUE if the local host reports a connection between the endpoints. Returns FALSE if the local host does not report a connection between the endpoints. This property does not contact the remote endpoint to confirm the actual state of the network connection.Details
Data Type Returns the data type of the endpoint.Details
Name Returns the name of the endpoint.Details
Number of Disconnections Returns the number of disconnections between the endpoints.Details
Readable Returns TRUE if the endpoint on which you use this property is a reader endpoint.Details
Remote Endpoint Destroyed Returns TRUE if the remote endpoint has been destroyed. Returns FALSE if the remote endpoint is still active.Details
Total Elements Read Returns the number of elements the reader endpoint has read from the stream.Details
Total Elements Written Returns the number of elements the writer endpoint has written to the stream.Details
URL Returns the URL of the endpoint. When you use this property, the host name component of the URL displays as the default value localhost.Details
Writable Returns TRUE if the endpoint on which you use this property is a writer endpoint.Details