Library Properties

Requires: Base Development System

Inherits from ProjectItem. View the class hierarchy.

Use these properties to configure LabVIEW project libraries.

AlarmsEvents:Database ComputerSpecifies the name of the computer where the alarms and events database resides. Details
AlarmsEvents:Database NameSpecifies the name of the database where the Shared Variable Engine logs alarms and events. Details
AlarmsEvents:Database PathSpecifies the file path to the database where the Shared Variable Engine logs alarms and events. Details
AlarmsEvents:EnableEnables alarms and events logging capability if set to TRUE. Details
AlarmsEvents:Use DataLogging DatabaseSets the alarms and events database to be the same as the database that logs data. If set to TRUE, LabVIEW ignores properties set on the AlarmsEvents database. Details
Contains Compiled CodeSets or returns whether LabVIEW stores the library in the compiled object cache. Details
DataLogging:Database ComputerSpecifies the name of the computer where the database resides. Details
DataLogging:Database NameSpecifies the name of the database where the Shared Variable Engine logs data. Details
DataLogging:Database PathSpecifies the file path to the database where the Shared Variable Engine logs data. Details
DataLogging:EnableEnables data logging capability if set to TRUE. Details
DataLogging:LifespanSets the lifespan (in days) of the logged data in the database. If value is 0, then data is always available, otherwise the database can destroy data after the number of specified days. Details
DescriptionSpecifies the description of the LabVIEW project library for the Context Help window. Details
FriendsReturns a list of strings which contain the qualified names of the friends of this library. Details
Help:Document PathPath or symbolic path to an HTML file (.htm or .html) or compiled help file (.chm or .hlp) to which the LabVIEW project library is linked. Details
Help:Document TagIndex keyword or HTML filename for a topic in the compiled help file to which the LabVIEW project library is linked. Details
Is In Packed LibraryReturns TRUE if a packed project library contains the library. Details
Localized NameThe localized name of the item. Details
NameReturns the name of the library. If the library has not been saved to disk, you can write to this property to change the name. Details
Owning ApplicationReturns a reference to the application instance that owns this library. Be sure and close this reference afterward. Details
Process:Save State PeriodThe period (in minutes) the variable engine should save the process state. Details
Qualified NameReturns the qualified name of the library. Details
SignatureReturns an MD5 hash of the library. This value changes if the library changes. Details
VersionThe version number of the LabVIEW project library. Details