Map XY To Coordinates Method

Short Name: Map XY To Coords

Requires: Base Development System

Class: GraphChart Methods

To Use: Create a method.

Returns TRUE and maps the XY location on a graph to the owning pane coordinates. If you do not specify the scales, LabVIEW uses the active or current scales. This method is useful when you need to map graph coordinates to plot image coordinates to draw images inside the plot area of a graph.

This method adjusts only the left and top plot bounds to orient the plot around the origin of the owning pane.


Data typeNameRequiredDescription
CoordsYesCluster of Horizontal and Vertical pairs.
XYYesCluster of X and Y pairs.
X ScaleNoIdentifies the value of the X scale.
Y ScaleNoIdentifies the value of the Y scale.


The following table lists the characteristics of this method.

Data type
Available in Run-Time EngineYes (Read/Write)
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemYes
Settable when the VI is runningYes
Loads the front panel into memoryYes
Need to authenticate before useNo
Loads the block diagram into memoryNo
Remote access allowedYes