Built-In Mouse Wheel Support Property

Short Name: BuiltInMouseWheelSupport

Requires: Base Development System

Class: Control Properties

To Use: Create a property.

Sets the conditions under which the control responds to mouse wheel movement.

For example, you can specify whether a control responds when you either hover over the control or the control has key focus. This property is similar to the Built-In Mouse Wheel Support option on the Key Navigation page of the Properties dialog box.

Note   You can use the key focus functionality only on Windows operating systems.


1On Hover
2On Key Focus
3On Hover or Key Focus


The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Data type
Available in Run-Time EngineYes
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemNo
Settable when the VI is runningYes
Loads the front panel into memoryNo
Need to authenticate before useNo
Loads the block diagram into memoryNo
Remote access allowedYes