Get VI:Help Info Method

Short Name: Get VI.Help Info

Requires: Base Development System

Class: Application Methods

To Use: Create a method.

Returns Help path, Help tag, Help Used, and Help URL from the Documentation page of the VI Properties dialog box for the specified VI. This method does not load the VI into memory.


Data typeNameRequiredDescription
VI PathYesPath to the VI whose help information you want to get.
VI Help PathNoHelp path of the VI. The help path is located on the Documentation page of the VI Properties dialog box.
VI Help TagNoHelp tag of the VI. The help tag links a VI to a specific topic within a compiled help file or links a VI to a bookmark within an HTML help file. The help tag is located on the Documentation page of the VI Properties dialog box.
VI Help Web URLNoWeb-based URL of the help file for the VI. The help URL is located on the Documentation page of the VI Properties dialog box.
Use Web URLNoIndicates whether to link to a web-based help file from the Detailed help link in theContext Help window for a VI.Web URL is located on the Documentation page of the VI Properties dialog box.


The following table lists the characteristics of this method.

Data typeNo return value
Available in Run-Time EngineYes (Read/Write)
Available in Real-Time Operating SystemYes
Remote access allowedYes