3D Graph Properties

Requires: Full Development System

Property Description
Axis:Active Axis Sets the axis you want to configure. Details
Axis:Name Label:Name Label Color Sets the color of the axis name label. Details
Axis:Name Label:Name Label Size Sets the font size of the axis name label. Details
Axis:Name Label:Name Label Text Configures the text that displays for the axis name label. Details
Axis:Name Label:Name Label Normal Visible Displays the axis name label on one side of the axis. Details
Axis:Name Label:Name Label Opposite Visible Displays the axis name label on the opposite side of the axis. Details
Axis:Marker:Marker Color Sets the color of the scale marker. Details
Axis:Marker:Marker Size Sets the font size of the scale marker. Details
Axis:Marker:Marker Normal Visible Displays the scale marker on one side of the axis. Details
Axis:Marker:Marker Opposite Visible Displays the scale marker on the opposite side of the axis. Details
Axis:Range:Range Maximum Sets the maximum value of the scale. Details
Axis:Range:Range Minimum Sets the minimum value of the scale. Details
Axis:Range:Range Auto Scale Adjusts the scale automatically to reflect the data you wire to the 3D graph. Details
Axis:Range:Range Inverted Inverts the scale range from maximum to minimum. Details
Axis:Range:Range Logarithm Shows the scale in the logarithm mapping mode. Details
Axis:Grid:Grid Major Color Sets the color of the major axis grid. Details
Axis:Grid:Grid Major Visible Displays the major axis grid in the 3D graph. Details
Axis:Grid:Grid Minor Color Sets the color of the minor axis grid. Details
Axis:Grid:Grid Minor Visible Displays the minor axis grid in the 3D graph. Details
Axis:Tick:Tick Major Count Specifies the number of major tick marks that appear on the axis. Details
Axis:Tick:Tick Major Color Sets the color of the major tick marks on the axis. Details
Axis:Tick:Tick Major Visible Displays the major tick marks on the axis. Details
Axis:Tick:Tick Minor Count Specifies the number of minor tick marks that appear on the axis. Details
Axis:Tick:Tick Minor Color Sets the color of the minor tick marks on the axis. Details
Axis:Tick:Tick Minor Visible Displays the minor tick marks on the axis. Details
Cursors:Active Cursor Sets the cursor you want to configure. Details
Cursors:General:Cursor Enable Enables you to move the cursor you configure around the 3D graph. Details
Cursors:General:Cursor Visible Displays the cursor in the 3D graph. Details
Cursors:General:Cursor Lock Style Sets the style of the cursor lock. Details
Cursors:General:Cursor Plot ID Sets the cursor to snap to the specified plot. Details
Cursors:General:Cursor X Position Sets the position of the cursor on the x-axis. Details
Cursors:General:Cursor Y Position Sets the position of the cursor on the y-axis. Details
Cursors:General:Cursor Z Position Sets the position of the cursor on the z-axis. Details
Cursors:Point:Cursor Point Color Sets the color of the cursor point. Details
Cursors:Point:Cursor Point Size Specifies the size of the point on the cursor. Details
Cursors:Point:Cursor Point Style Specifies the symbol style of the point on the cursor. Details
Cursors:Line:Cursor Line Color Sets the color of the cursor line. Details
Cursors:Line:Cursor Line Width Specifies the width of the cursor line. Details
Cursors:Line:Cursor Line Style Specifies the style of the cursor line. Details
Cursors:Plane:Cursor Plane Color Sets the color of the cursor plane. Details
Cursors:Plane:Cursor Plane Opacity Specifies the level of opacity of the color you apply to the cursor plane. Details
Cursors:Plane:Cursor Plane XY Visible Displays the XY cursor plane on the 3D graph. Details
Cursors:Plane:Cursor Plane XZ Visible Displays the XZ cursor plane on the 3D graph. Details
Cursors:Plane:Cursor Plane YZ Visible Displays the YZ cursor plane on the 3D graph. Details
Cursors:Text:Cursor Name Configures the text of the cursor name. Details
Cursors:Text:Cursor Text Color Specifies the color of the cursor text. Details
Cursors:Text:Cursor Text Size Specifies the font size of the cursor text. The text includes the cursor name and its position. Details
Cursors:Text:Cursor Show Position Displays the cursor position on the 3D graph. Details
Cursors:Text:Cursor Show Name Displays the cursor name on the 3D graph. Details
Cursors:Text:Cursor Text Background Color Specifies the color of the cursor text background. Details
Cursors:Text:Cursor Text Background Opacity Specifies the level of opacity of the color you apply to the cursor text background. Details
Cursors:Cursor List Displays an array of information about all the cursors. Details
Format:Axis X Format String Sets the formatting for the x-axis. Details
Format:Axis Y Format String Sets the formatting for the y-axis. Details
Format:Axis Z Format String Sets the formatting for the z-axis. Details
Graph:Fast Draw Speeds up the pan, zoom, and rotate operations of the 3D graph. Details
Graph:Clip Data Uses the clip plane to hide the part of the plot that is outside the axes. Details
Graph:Background Color Specifies the background color of the plot. Details
Graph:Projection Mode Changes the projection of the 3D graph. Details
Graph:View Direction Sets the direction for viewing the 3D graph. Details
Graph:User Defined View:View Latitude Sets the latitude of the user-defined direction for viewing the 3D graph. Details
Graph:User Defined View:View Longitude Sets the longitude of the user-defined direction for viewing the 3D graph. Details
Graph:User Defined View:View Distance Sets the distance of the user-defined direction for viewing the 3D graph. Details
Graph:Grid Plane:XY Plane Visible Shows the 3D graph in the direction of the XY plane. Details
Graph:Grid Plane:XZ Plane Visible Shows the 3D graph in the direction of the XZ plane. Details
Graph:Grid Plane:YZ Plane Visible Shows the 3D graph in the direction of the YZ plane. Details
Graph:Grid Plane:Grid Anti-aliasing Uses anti-aliasing to show the grid lines. Details
Graph:Grid Plane:Frame Color Specifies the color of the grid frame. Details
Light:Enable Lighting Enables the entire setting for the light. Details
Light:Active Light Sets the specified settings of the light you want to configure. Details
Light:Enable Light Enables specified settings for the light. Details
Light:Light Color Changes the specified settings for the light color. Details
Light:Light Latitude Sets the latitude of the specified light towards the target. Details
Light:Light Longitude Sets the longitude of the specified light towards the target. Details
Light:Light Distance Sets the distance of the specified light towards the target. Details
Light:Light Attenuation Changes the attenuation mode of the specified settings for the light. Details
Value Pairs:Active Value Pair Sets the axis to configure its value pairs. Details
Value Pairs:Value Pair Label Type Specifies how value pairs appear on the scale marker. Details
Value Pairs:Value Pair Tick Visible Displays tick marks for each value pair. Details
Value Pairs:Value Pair Grid Visible Displays grid lines for each value pair. Details
Value Pairs:Value Pair Array Lists the index, name, and value of the value pairs you want to display on the 3D graph. Details