PID Setpoint Profile VI

Owning Palette: PID VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Generates setpoint values over time in a control loop for ramp and soak types of control applications.


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setpoint profile specifies an array of time and setpoint value pairs that define the profile of the setpoint as a function of time.
time (s) specifies the time values in the setpoint profile. Specify the time (s) values in ascending order.
setpoint specifies the setpoint values in the setpoint profile.
dt (s) specifies the loop-cycle time, or interval in seconds, at which this VI is called. If dt (s) is less than or equal to zero, this VI calculates the time since it was last called using an internal timer with 1 ms resolution. If dt (s) must be less than 1 ms, specify the value explicitly. The default is -1.
reinitialize? specifies whether to reinitialize the output to the setpoint profile at time t = 0.
setpoint returns the setpoint value output this VI calculates from the setpoint profile and from the elapsed time since the first call or reinitialization of this VI.
profile complete? indicates whether the elapsed time is greater than or equal to the last defined time value in the setpoint profile.
elapsed time (s) returns the elapsed time, in seconds, since the first call of the VI or since the reinitialization of the VI.
dt out (s) returns the actual time interval in seconds. dt out (s) returns either the value of dt (s) or the computed interval if you set dt (s) to –1.


Refer to the Simulation - Cascade and Feedforward Surge Tank Level VI in the labview\examples\control\PID directory for an example of using the PID Setpoint Profile VI.

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