Set Drawing Style VI

Owning Palette: Object VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Specifies the rendering mode for 3D objects.

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Face Culling Mode specifies whether an object's front-facing and back-facing polygons are visible.

0Inherit Value—Inherits the mode of the parent object.
1No Culling—Both the front and the back side are visible.
2Cull Back Face—Only the front side is visible.
3Cull Front Face—Only the back side is visible.
4Cull Both Faces—Neither the front nor the back side are visible.
Frontface Mode specifies the winding order of an object. Face Culling Mode interprets this input to determine the visibility of the object's polygons.

0Inherit Value—Inherits the mode of the parent object.
1Counterclockwise—The object faces the front.
2Clockwise—The object faces the back.
Scene Object In specifies a reference to the scene you want to manipulate.
Mode specifies the method you use to draw the 3D object.

0Inherit Value (default)—Inherits the draw style of a parent object.
1Points—Draws the object by placing points at the vertices of the object.
2Wireframe—Draws the object with line segments that connect at the vertices to form a bounded geometry.
3Polygon—Draws the object with a fully bounded and filled geometry.
Size specifies the size of the points you use to draw the geometry. Set the value to -1 to inherit the point size of a parent object. The default is -1.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
Scene Object Out returns a reference to the scene object.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.