Sound Input Configure VI

Owning Palette: Sound Input VIs

Requires: Base Development System

Configures a sound input device to acquire data and send the data to the buffer. Use the Sound Input Read VI to read the data.

(Windows) You must have DirectX 8.0 or later to use this VI. (Linux) You must have the Open Sound System (OSS) driver to use this VI.


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number of samples/ch specifies the number of samples per channel in the buffer. Use a large number of samples for continuous operations. Use a smaller number of samples if you want to use less memory.
sample mode specifies whether the VI acquires samples just once (Finite Samples) or continuously (Continuous Samples). In Finite Samples mode, call Sound Input Read only until you have written the number of samples specified in number of samples/ch. In Continuous Samples mode, you can call Sound Input Read repeatedly as needed.
device ID is the input or output device you access for a sound operation. In general, most users should select the default value of 0. The value ranges from 0 to n–1, where n is the number of input or output devices on the computer.
sound format sets the acquisition rate, the number of channels, and the bits per sample of the sound operation. The values for each of these controls is dependent on your sound card.
Note  Setting sample rate (S/s) and bits per sample high uses more of the computer memory when the VI runs. Also, not all operating systems and sound cards support all sound format options.
sample rate (S/s) sets the sampling rate for the sound operation. Common rates are 44,100 S/s, 22,050 S/s, and 11,025 S/s. The default is 22,050 S/s.
number of channels specifies the number of channels. This input can accept as many channels as the sound card supports. For most sound cards 1 is Mono and 2 is Stereo.
bits per sample specifies the quality of each sample in bits. Common resolutions are 16 bits and 8 bits. The default is 16 bits.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
task ID returns an identification number associated with the configuration on the specified device. You can pass task ID to other sound operation VIs.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.


Refer to the following VIs for examples of using the Sound Input Configure VI: