[user-specified font] specifies the specific font characteristics for the text to draw. The VI ignores this input unless desired font is User-specified Font.
Font Name specifies the font to use for the text. If you misspell the font name or specify a font that is not installed on the computer, the operating system selects a font.
Size specifies the size of the font in points.
Strikeout? specifies if the text appears in strikeout. If Strikeout? is TRUE, the text appears in strikeout.
Italic? specifies if the text appears in italics. If Italic? is TRUE, the text appears in italics.
Underline? specifies if the text is underlined. If Underline? is TRUE, the text appears underlined.
Outline? specifies if the text is outlined. If Outline? is TRUE, the text appears outlined.
Shadow? specifies if the text has a shadow. If Shadow? is TRUE, the text appears in shadow.
Bold? specifies if the text is bold. If Bold? is TRUE, the text appears bold.
desired font specifies the text font.
0 | User-specified Font | 1 | Application Font (default) | 2 | System Font | 3 | Dialog Font |
picture is the picture to which you want to add the plot. The default is an empty picture.
data is an array of clusters of plots, where each plot is an array of points.
dimensions specifies the top left point of the drawn bitmap.
width specifies the horizontal coordinate that increases to the right.
height specifies the vertical coordinate that increases to the bottom.
top left point specifies in coordinates where to place the top-left corner of the image in the new picture.
x is the horizontal coordinate that increases to the right.
y is the vertical coordinate that increases to the bottom.
cartesian axis attributes specifies the range and format for the x- and y- axes. If the minimum and maximum values are the same, or if you do not wire the cartesian axis attributes input, the VI calculates the minimum and maximum values from the data.
x minimum is the smallest allowable value in the range of horizontal coordinates.
x maximum is the largest allowable value in the range of horizontal coordinates.
x log? indicates whether the scale should be logarithmic.
x precision specifies the precision for the scale numbers on the x-axis.
x format specifies the numeric format for the scale numbers on the x-axis. The default is Decimal.
0 | Decimal | 1 | Scientific | 2 | Engineering | 3 | Binary | 4 | Octal | 5 | Hex |
y minimum is the smallest allowable value in the range of vertical coordinates.
y maximum is the largest allowable value in the range of vertical coordinates.
y log? indicates whether the scale should be logarithmic.
y precision specifies the precision for the scale numbers on the y-axis.
y format specifies the numeric format for the scale numbers on the y-axis. The default is Decimal.
0 | Decimal | 1 | Scientific | 2 | Engineering | 3 | Binary | 4 | Octal | 5 | Hex |
cartesian grid cosmetics specifies the style for the grid of the graph.
line color specifies the color of the line. You can wire a color box constant to this input.
text color specifies the color of the text. You can wire a color box constant to this input.
tick length specifies the length of the tick marks on the edge of the scale.
crossing axes specifies if the VI draws the axes at the originating coordinate. If crossing axes is TRUE, the VI draws the axes at the originating coordinate. If crossing axes is FALSE, the VI draws the axes at the bottom left edge of the plot.
visible grid? specifies if the VI displays the grid in the graph. If visible grid? is TRUE, the VI displays the grid in the graph.
XY plot cosmetics specifies the plot color, the style for the plot, and the baseline. This VI uses the baseline only if the XY plot type is comb plot.
plot color specifies the color of the plot. The default in RGB is 255, 255, 0.
You can wire a color box constant to this input.
XY plot type specifies the style of plot to display.
0 | points | 1 | squares | 2 | circles | 3 | connected points (default) | 4 | connected squares | 5 | connected circles | 6 | comb plot | 7 | sized scatter plot | 8 | sized-colored scatter plot | 9 | min-max lines |
baseline specifies the baseline of a plot. The default is 0.
sized scatter plot cosmetics specifies the range of sizes for frequency distribution points, assuming the xy plot type is sized scatter plot or sized-colored scatter plot.
min size specifies the smallest size to be used for points in a scatter plot.
max size specifies the largest size to be used for points in a scatter plot.
maps to max size defines the maximum size to which the uppermost point in the scatter plot can be mapped.
color array maps specific colors for points of each size.
new picture is the picture that contains the plot. You can wire this output to any other picture input to add more drawing instructions to the picture. You also can wire this output to the Picture to Pixmap VI to obtain an image data cluster. You then can save the image data to a file using the Graphics Formats VIs.