3D Mesh Plot Helper VI

Requires: Full Development System

Graphs a mesh surface with open spaces. Multiple references to this VI generate multiple plots for the same graph.

Note  This VI appears on the block diagram when you add a Mesh plot to the front panel. You can find the Mesh plot on the 3D Graph palette.

Details  Example

Use the pull-down menu to select an instance of this VI.


3D Plot lvclass Array in is a reference to the class that stores the data of the 3D plot.
x vector is a 1D array that specifies the x-coordinates that graph the plot.
y vector is a 1D array that specifies the y-coordinates that graph the plot.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
z matrix is a 2D array that specifies the z-coordinates that graph the plot. If you do not wire the other inputs, LabVIEW graphs the number of elements for the x-axis based on the number of rows in z matrix and the number of elements for the y-axis based on the number of columns in z matrix.
Plot ID specifies the index of the plot you want to graph. When you graph more than one plot, select the drop-down listbox under the color spectrum to the right of the graph to change the plot.
3D Plot lvclass Array out is the graph of the 3D plot.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.


3D Plot lvclass Array in is a reference to the class that stores the data of the 3D plot.
x matrix is a 2D array that specifies the x-coordinates that graph the plot.
y matrix is a 2D array that specifies the y-coordinates that graph the plot.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
z matrix is a 2D array that specifies the z-coordinates that graph the plot. If you do not wire the other inputs, LabVIEW graphs the number of elements for the x-axis based on the number of rows in z matrix and the number of elements for the y-axis based on the number of columns in z matrix.
Plot ID specifies the index of the plot you want to graph. When you graph more than one plot, select the drop-down listbox under the color spectrum to the right of the graph to change the plot.
3D Plot lvclass Array out is the graph of the 3D plot.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

3D Mesh Plot Helper Details

When x matrix, y matrix, and z matrix are the same size, the Mesh plot graphs values that correspond to each elements at the same location in all the matrices.


Refer to the 3D Mesh Graph VI in the labview\examples\Controls and Indicators\Graphs and Charts\Math Plots - 3D directory for an example of using the 3D Mesh Plot Helper VI.

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