None—Sets no style for the color ramp. Choose this option if you want the graph to be one color.
Shaded—Sets the style of the color on the color ramp to go from light to dark.
Color spectrum—Sets the style of the color ramp to be the colors in the color spectrum.
Grey scale—Sets the style of the color ramp to a grey scale.
Custom—Sets the style of the color ramp based on the style you configure in the Color Ramp Editor.
Edit—Displays the Color Ramp Editor so you can modify the color ramp.
Waterfall—Select from the following components to specify the waterfall appearance of the 3D Waterfall graph:
Waterfall mode—Sets the display mode to use to show a different waterfall graph. You also can use the Plot Specific:Waterfall:Waterfall Mode property to set the mode programmatically.
Lines—Displays the graph with the lines from the axes behind the graph.
Slices—Displays the graph with chromatic slices on the X-Y plane.