Getting Started with Instrument Drivers

To verify communication with an instrument and test a typical programmatic instrument operation, open an instrument driver example VI. Look over each of the controls and set them appropriately. Generally, with the exception of the resource name control, the defaults for most controls will be sufficient for the first run. You will need to set the resource name appropriately.

Use the NI Example Finder to search or browse for project-style instrument driver examples. You can find non-project style instrument driver examples in the Instrument Drivers palette and subpalettes.

After running the VI, check to see that the VI returned reasonable data and did not report an error in the error cluster. Instrument driver examples most commonly fail for one of the following reasons:

After you have verified basic communication with the instrument using the example VI, you might want to customize instrument control for your application. If the application requirements are similar to the example VI, the simplest means of creating a customized VI is to save a copy of the example VI by selecting Save As from the File menu. You can change the default values in the front panel window by selecting Edit�Make Current Values Default. Block diagram changes might include changing the constants wired to the instrument driver subVIs.