Modular Instruments

NI modular instruments are high-speed hardware products that include the functionality of many traditional benchtop instruments for test and measurement. NI modular instruments include high-speed digitizers, signal generators, high-speed digital I/O devices, high-frequency (RF) devices, digital multimeters (DMMs), programmable power supplies and source measure units (SMUs), and switches. NI modular instrument platforms include PCI, PCI Express, PXI, PXI Express, SCXI, and USB.

You can use the instrument drivers that ship with NI modular instruments products to create custom measurement applications and user interfaces. Each instrument driver includes a palette of LabVIEW VIs that you can use to control a modular instrument from LabVIEW.

Because NI modular instruments combine flexible, user-defined software and scalable, general-purpose hardware components, you can modify measurements as your needs change. For example, you can make modifications to your program or substitute one instrument for another. You also can create custom measurements and define the algorithms used to make those measurements.

Refer to Modular Instruments at for more information about NI modular instruments.