VISA Map Trigger Function

Owning Palette: Bus/Interface Specific Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Maps the specified trigger source line to the specified trigger destination line.


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mode is VI_NULL.
VISA resource name specifies the resource to be opened. The VISA resource name control also specifies the session and class.
trigger source is the source line from which to map. This input accepts the following values.

0–7VXI/PXI TTL Line 0–VXI/PXI TTL Line 7—Map the specified VXI TTL trigger line.
8VXI ECL Line 0—Map the specified VXI ECL trigger line.
9VXI ECL Line 1—Map the specified VXI ECL trigger line.
27Front Panel Input—Map the controller's front panel trigger input line.
28Front Panel Output—Map the controller's front panel trigger output line.
trigger destination is the destination line to which to map. This input accepts the following values.

0–7VXI/PXI TTL Line 0–VXI/PXI TTL Line 7—Map the specified VXI TTL trigger line.
8VXI ECL Line 0—Map the specified VXI ECL trigger line.
9VXI ECL Line 1—Map the specified VXI ECL trigger line.
27Front Panel Input—Map the controller's front panel trigger input line.
28Front Panel Output—Map the controller's front panel trigger output line.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
VISA resource name out is a copy of the VISA resource name that VISA functions return.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

VISA Map Trigger Details

Note  VISA Map Trigger does not accept VISA sessions of class Instr. The VISA session must be of class PXI Backplane or VXI/GPIB-VXI Backplane.

If this function is called multiple times on the same backplane resource with the same trigger source line and different trigger destination lines, all of the specified trigger destination lines are asserted when the trigger source line is asserted. If this function is called multiple times on the same backplane resource with different trigger source lines and the same trigger destination line, the trigger destination line is asserted when any of the specified trigger source lines are asserted.