VISA GPIB Control ATN Function

Owning Palette: Bus/Interface Specific Functions

Requires: Base Development System

Controls the state of the GPIB ATN interface line and, optionally, the active controller state of the local interface.


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VISA resource name specifies the resource to be opened. The VISA resource name control also specifies the session and class.
mode specifies the state of the ATN line and optionally the local active controller state. This input accepts the following values.

0Deassert ATN—Deassert ATN line. The GPIB interface corresponding to the VISA session goes to standby.
1Assert ATN—Assert ATN line and take control synchronously without corrupting transferred data. If a data handshake is in progress, ATN is not asserted until the handshake is complete.
2Deassert ATN with Handshake—Deassert ATN line and enter shadow handshake mode. The local device participates in data handshakes as an Acceptor without actually reading the data. The GPIB interface corresponding to the VISA session goes to standby.
3Assert ATN Immediately—Assert ATN line and take control asynchronously and immediately, without regard for any data transfer currently in progress. Use this mode only under error conditions.
error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
VISA resource name out is a copy of the VISA resource name that VISA functions return.
error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

VISA GPIB Control ATN Details

Most applications do not require this function. You can use the VISA GPIB Command function to modify the ATN automatically and the VISA GPIB Pass Control function to modify the ATN and controller-in-charge (CIC) state automatically.

Note  GPIB Command does not accept VISA sessions of class Instr. The VISA session must be of class GPIB BoardInterface.