The following guidelines help to ensure your LabVIEW shortcut menu plug-in is valid. A malformed plug-in might not appear when you right-click an object or fail to execute if you select the plug-in. LabVIEW does not return errors or warnings if a plug-in is invalid.
VIs are not broken—Load VIs in LabVIEW and ensure VIs do not report errors.
Connector panes adhere to required pattern—The Create Shortcut Menu Plug-in From Template VI generates the build VI ( and plug-in execution VI ( to adhere to a specific connector pane pattern and terminal name syntax. LabVIEW cannot use these VIs as plug-ins if you change the pattern or syntax. You should only change the type definition (x.ctl, where x is the name of the plug-in).
Plug-in LLB and build VI names match—LabVIEW saves the plug-in files and type definition in an LLB with the plug-in name (x.llb). The build VI must have the same name as the LLB except for the file extension. This naming convention allows LabVIEW to simultaneously manage multiple plug-ins in memory.
Debugging tools are disabled—You must disable debugging tools for the build VI. LabVIEW cannot stop for breakpoints or probes when building the shortcut menu.
Length of the menu item tag does not exceed 255 characters—The maximum length of a menu item tag is 255 characters. LabVIEW constructs the tag name using the name of the plug-in and the menu item tag suffix, returned from the build VI. The complete tag name has the following syntax: APP_SC_PLUGIN_<>/<menu_item_tag_suffix>, where x is the name of the plug-in.
Refnum type matches the objects the plug-in affects—Check that the refnum types in the type definition match the object type that the plug-in affects. To identify the refnum types of an object, you can use the Lookup All Shortcut Menu Tags and Types plug-in that LabVIEW provides.