Extending Virtual Memory Usage for 32-bit Windows

LabVIEW (32-bit) is large address aware, and can take advantage of up to 3 GB of virtual memory. LabVIEW (32-bit) can access up to 2 GB of virtual memory by default. To take advantage of additional virtual memory, you must modify the Windows boot configuration settings.

Note  On 64-bit Windows, LabVIEW (32-bit) can access up to 4 GB of virtual memory by default.

Complete the following steps to modify the Windows boot configuration settings and enable LabVIEW (32-bit) to access up to 3 GB of virtual memory:

  1. Open the command prompt window as an administrator.
  2. Enter the command bcdedit /enum and press the <Enter> key to show the list of entries in the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store. These settings control how the OS launches.
  3. Enter the command bcdedit /set increaseuserva 3072 and press the <Enter> key. This command increases the amount of virtual memory that the OS allots to the user to 3072 MB, or 3 GB.
  4. Restart the system for the changes to the BCD store to take effect.

Refer to the Microsoft website at www.microsoft.com for more information about the Boot Configuration Data store, boot.ini file, and Physical Address Extension.