Adding a Network Domain (Windows)

Use the Domain Account Manager to create and destroy a local domain, export and import a local domain, add and remove network domains, import a Lookout account, and manage domain users and groups.

Complete the following steps to use the Domain Account Manager to add a network domain to the network domain list.

  1. Select Tools»Security»Domain Account Manager to display the Domain Account Manager.
  2. Select Domain»Browse for Domains or right-click the network domain list and select Browse for Domains from the shortcut menu to display the Browse for Domains dialog box.
  3. Select the network domain you want to manage.
  4. Click the OK button to close the dialog box. LabVIEW adds the network domain to the network domain list.

You also can find a network domain by entering the name or IP address of the host machine in the Find Domain dialog box. Select Domain»Find Domain or right-click the network domain list and select Find Domain from the shortcut menu to display the Find Domain dialog box.

To remove a network domain from view, click the network domain and select Edit»Remove From View or right-click the domain and select Remove From View from the shortcut menu. Removing a domain from view does not destroy the domain.