Displaying Warnings

Warnings do not prevent you from running a VI. They are designed to help you avoid potential problems in VIs.

Complete the following steps to display warnings in the Error list window.

  1. Select View»Error List to display the Error list window.
  2. Place a checkmark in the Show Warnings checkbox to display all warnings for each VI in the Items with errors section.
  3. Click the Warning button on the toolbar to access the Error list window. The Warning button appears only if the VI has a warning. After you configure the Error list window to show warnings, you can access the Error list window any time the Warning button appears on the toolbar.

Complete the following steps to configure LabVIEW to always show warnings in the Error list window.

  1. Select Tools»Options to display the Options dialog box.
  2. Select Environment from the Category list.
  3. Place a checkmark in the Show warnings in Error List dialog by default checkbox in the Debugging section of this page and click the OK button. You can make this change with the Error list window open and see the change immediately.