Setting Up the Application Web Server for Web Services

To host your Web services on the Application Web Server, you need to set up the web server before you run or publish the Web services.

Note Note  For more information about concepts in this topic, refer to the Web services introduction and tutorial. LabVIEW Web services are available only in the LabVIEW Full Development System and the LabVIEW Professional Development System.

Complete the following steps to enable and configure the Application Web Server for hosting Web services that are not part of a LabVIEW stand-alone application. If you use the NI Web Server to host Web services, refer to Setting Up the NI Web Server for Web Services for detailed instructions.

Note Note  The web server that hosts Web services included with a stand-alone application is automatically enabled.
  1. Open a web browser.
  2. In the browser, enter a URL for the target on which you want to enable the Application Web Server. The URL must conform to the following syntax:
    Note Note  Because NI Web-based Configuration & Monitoring requires Microsoft Silverlight, you might need to browse to the URL with Microsoft Internet Explorer, which provides better compatibility with Microsoft Silverlight.
  3. Click Login and enter a username and password to gain access to NI Web-based Configuration & Monitoring for the system. If you have not established security settings for NI Web-based Configuration & Monitoring on the system, enter the username Admin and a blank password to gain access using the default credentials.
  4. Click the Web Server Configuration button to display the Web Server Configuration page.
  5. Click Help for information about enabling and configuring the Application Web Server.

The Application Web Server runs as an independent system service. You can enable and run the Application Web Server without running LabVIEW on the host system.

Related Information

Hosting Web Services

NI Web-based Configuration & Monitoring