Viewing an Application or Front Panel Remotely Using a Browser

To view an application or front panel remotely using a Web browser, you must first configure the server. Complete the following steps to configure the server so a client computer can view an application front panel remotely using a browser.

Tip  For VIs that will be viewed or controlled remotely, create as small front panels as possible. The Web Server uses more system resources to load and display large front panel images than small front panel images, which can slow the execution of the VI itself.
  1. Enable the Web Server on the server computer where the application or VI you want to view is located.
  2. Configure the browser access list so the client computer can connect to the server.
  3. Make sure the application is running or the VIs whose front panels you want clients to view are in memory on the server computer.
  4. Create an HTML file using the Web Publishing Tool. You also can use an existing HTML file.
  5. If you did not use the Web Publishing Tool, place the HTML file in the labview\www directory. Change the LVFPPVINAME parameter of the <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags to the name of the top-level VI for the application or the top-level VI you loaded into memory. If you used the Web Publishing Tool, this step is completed automatically for you.

You also can change the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters of the <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags to customize the application or front panel appearance in the client browser.

Complete the following steps if you are on a client computer and do not have LabVIEW installed but want to view a front panel remotely using a browser.

Note  When you view a front panel remotely from a browser, the application or VI you want to view must be running on the server computer.
  1. Install the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine.
  2. Launch the default browser.
  3. In the URL of the browser, type the IP address or computer name of the server followed by the name of the HTML file. For example, http://ipaddress/filename.html. If access is denied, an error message appears in the browser.

    You now can request control of the application or remote front panel.

To completely close the connection to the Web Server running on the server computer, click the close glyph on the browser window border.

You also can use the Application methods to open a connection and request control of a remote front panel programmatically.