Syntax for the VIs Lists

Each entry in the Visible and Exported VIs lists describes a VI name or a VI path and can contain wildcard characters. The Web and VI Servers compare entries that contain path separators against VI paths and compare entries that do not contain path separators against VI names only.

Use the following wildcard characters when specifying entries in the Visible and Exported VIs lists.

Wildcard Action
? Matches exactly one arbitrary character except for the path separator.
* Matches zero or more arbitrary characters except for the path separator.
** Matches zero or more arbitrary characters including the path separator.
\ Cancels the interpretation of special characters.

The permission for an entry later in the list overrides previous permissions. You can click and drag an entry in the list to change the order.

For example, if you deny access to all VI front panels in c:\labview\server, but after that entry you give access to c:\labview\server\, that VI is still visible, because the entry later in the list overrides the first entry.

In general, you should use the * wildcard to set up general allowances or denials, and follow those entries with more specific entries that reverse part of the previous permission. For best performance, place the most frequently matched entries toward the bottom of the list.

The following example illustrates how to use the wildcards correctly.

VIs List Entry Permission Status
* Allows access to all VIs.
c:\labview\server\* Allows access to all VIs in c:\labview\server.
c:\labview\test\** Allows access to all VIs in c:\labview\test and its subdirectories.
X c:\labview\test\ Denies access to this VI even though the previous entry allows access.
srvr_*.vi Allows access to any VI that begins with the string srvr_ and ends with the string .vi.
X Are You Finished\?.vi Denies access to Are You Finished?.vi.
X Open?.vi Denies access to all VIs named Open? where ? represents one arbitrary character except for the path separator.