Setting Machine Access for the VI Server

You can enable server support for TCP/IP by placing a checkmark in the TCP/IP checkbox in the Protocols section of the VI Server page of the Options dialog box. Use the Machine access section to configure which IP addresses can access VIs on a computer. Create a Machine access list that allows and denies access to individual IP addresses. You also can use the Server:TCP/IP Access List property to list programmatically the TCP/IP addresses of machines that may access the VI server.

When a remote LabVIEW application attempts to open a connection to the VI Server, the VI Server compares the IP address to the entries in the Machine access list to determine whether it should grant access. If an entry in the Machine access list matches the IP address, the VI Server permits or denies access based on how you set up the entry. If no entry matches the IP address, the VI Server denies access. When you add new Machine access list entries, edit existing entries, or remove entries, use the correct syntax, order, and wildcards in the entries.