Selecting Objects

For many editing operations, such as moving, copying, and deleting, you must select an object. Clicking an unselected object or clicking an open area deselects everything currently selected. You cannot select a front panel object and a block diagram object at the same time.

Complete the following steps to select an object.

  1. Move the Positioning tool until the point of the arrow is on the object you want to select. If automatic tool selection is enabled, you can press the <Shift> key to temporarily switch to the Positioning tool.
  2. Click the mouse button. A moving dashed outline called a marquee highlights the object.

You also can create a selection rectangle around the object(s).

Complete the following steps to create a selection rectangle.

  1. Use the Positioning tool to click an open area in the front panel window or block diagram window.
  2. Drag diagonally until the selection rectangle includes or touches all the objects you want to select. When you select objects, the area covered by the selection rectangle displays in gray and a marquee highlights the selected objects. Selected structures appear with a darker background to indicate your selection includes them.
    Note  By default, when you create a selection rectangle around objects, you must enclose the entire structure or the midpoint of a wire segment to select it. If you press the spacebar when you create the selection rectangle, you select any objects that the selection rectangle touches. To restore the default selection behavior, press the spacebar again.

Press the <Shift> key and click objects to select additional objects or deselect an object.

If automatic tool selection is enabled, you must deselect the object the cursor is over to switch from the Positioning tool to another tool.