Searching for VIs in a Directory

Select Tools»Find VIs on Disk to search for a VI by filename in a directory. You can search for the exact filename, or you can use wildcards to search for part of the filename. You also can search for VIs inside LLB files.

Complete the following steps to search for a VI in a directory and its subdirectories.

  1. Select Tools»Find VIs on Disk to display the Find VIs on Disk window.
  2. Click the browse button next to the Directory to search field, navigate to the directory in which you want to search for VIs, and click the Current Folder button.
  3. Enter the text for which you want to search in the Filenames to search for text box. Use an asterisk wildcard (*) to match zero or more arbitrary characters.
  4. Click the Find button. The Search Results listbox displays the results as LabVIEW finds them. Click the Stop button to cancel a search in progress.
  5. Select one or more search results and click the Open Selected VIs button to open the VIs. You also can double-click a search result to open the VI.

    Press the <Ctrl> key and click additional search results to select more than one result. (macOS) <Command-Shift>-click. (Linux) <Alt-Shift>-click. Press the <Shift> key and click a search result above or below the current result to select all results in between the current result and the second result you selected.
  6. Click the Close button in the Find VIs on Disk window to close the window.

You also can search VIs in memory for a particular object or string of text.