Reading Data from LabVIEW Measurement Files

Complete the following steps to use the Read From Measurement File Express VI to read numeric or waveform data from a LabVIEW measurement file. Use the Write To Measurement File Express VI to write data to a measurement file.

  1. Add the Read From Measurement File Express VI to the block diagram.

     Add  Find
  2. Notice that the Filename text box in the Configure Read From Measurement File dialog box displays the full path to the input file. Click the Browse button if you want to select a different file.
  3. In the File Format section, select the format of the file from which you want to read data.
  4. Configure the remaining sections in the Configure Read From Measurement File dialog box and click the OK button to save the configuration and close the dialog box.
  5. Right-click the Signals output of the Read From Measurement File Express VI and select Create»Numeric Indicator or Create»Graph Indicator from the shortcut menu.
  6. Wire all error in and error out terminals on the block diagram.
  7. Run the VI. LabVIEW displays the numeric or waveform data from the file specified in the Filename section of the Configure Read From Measurement File dialog box in a front panel indicator.