LabVIEW-Defined Command-Line Arguments

When you launch a VI from the command line, you can use the following LabVIEW-defined arguments. LabVIEW-defined arguments apply to the executable, which is either labview.exe or a stand-alone application. If the command line includes any other string before the two hyphens (--) that indicate the start of user-defined arguments, the executable interprets the string as the filename of a VI to open.

Platforms Argument Description
All -pref path If a preferences file does not reside in the same directory as the executable you want to launch, use this argument to specify the full path of the preferences file.
Windows /Automation or -Automation Launches an executable in response to an ActiveX client requesting an instance of an object in the executable.
Windows /RegServer or -RegServer Registers the ActiveX server of an executable with the operating system.
Windows /UnregServer or -UnregServer Unregisters the ActiveX server of an executable from the operating system.
Linux -display display Runs LabVIEW on the given X Windows display. For example, labview -display myhost:0.
Linux -launch LabVIEW launches and checks for an existing application instance already running on the same display. If an existing instance is running, the existing instance opens the VIs passed in the command line, and the new application instance quits silently. If an existing instance is not running, LabVIEW opens the VIs passed in the command line in the new instance.