Indenting Tree Control Items

Complete the following steps to move an item higher or lower in the tree control hierarchy.

  1. Right-click an item in the tree control.
  2. Select one of the following options from the shortcut menu:

If you want to configure an item so you cannot indent other items under it, right-click the item and select Child-Only Item from the shortcut menu. If you drag another item under a child-only item, LabVIEW places the item at the same hierarchical level as the child-only item. This menu item is not available if you right-click an item that has other items indented under it. You also can use the Active Item:Child-Only? property to configure an item so you cannot indent other items under it programmatically.

You also can use the Active Item:Indent Level property to set the indent level of an item in a tree control programmatically.