Finding and Replacing Block Diagram Objects

You can search VIs in an application instance for VIs, Express VIs, functions, terminals, type definitions, global variables, control references, or breakpoints and replace them with other block diagram objects.

(Statechart) You also can find block diagram objects in the guard and action code of a statechart.

Complete the following steps to find and replace VIs or other block diagram objects in the VIs in an application instance.

  1. Select Edit»Find and Replace to display the Find dialog box. You also can select an object in the current VI and select Edit»Find and Replace to display the Find dialog box with the object preselected for the search.
  2. Click the Objects button.
  3. From the Application Instance selection menu, select the application instance in which you want to search for the object. The default application instance is the application instance from which you opened the Find dialog box.
  4. Click the Select Object button. From the menu that appears, select the object you want to find.
  5. Configure the scope of the search from the Search Scope pull-down menu.
  6. Click the Find button. The Search Results window lists all instances of the object that LabVIEW found. If only one instance is found, LabVIEW highlights the result on the front panel window or block diagram and the Search Results window in not displayed.
Note  If you search for a local variable or a global variable, the Search Results list specifies whether the variable is set to read or write.
  1. Select an entry in the Search Results list and click the Go To button to find the object on the block diagram. You also can double-click the entry in the Search Results list to find the object on the block diagram.
  2. Click the Replace with button. From the menu that appears, select the object with which you want to replace the found objects.
  3. To replace all instances of the original object with the new object, click the Replace All button. To replace only selected instances of the original object with the new object, select the instances you want to replace from the Search Results list and then click the Replace Selected button. LabVIEW does not replace objects if the new object is an incompatible replacement.