Exporting Data and Images

You can export data from graphs, charts, tables, and arrays. You also can export an image of a graph, chart, or table.

Exporting Data from Graphs, Charts, Tables, and Arrays

Complete the following steps to export data from a graph, chart, table, or array.

  1. Right-click a graph, chart, table, or array.
  2. Select Export from the shortcut menu, and then select one of the following options:

You also can use the Export Data to Excel method to export data from a graph, chart, table, array or digital data control programmatically.

You can use the Export Data to Clipboard method to export data from a graph, chart, table, array or digital data control programmatically.

You can use the Export Data to DIAdem method to export data from a graph or chart programmatically.

Exporting Images of Graphs, Charts, and Tables

Complete the following steps to export an image of a graph, chart, table, picture control, digital data, or digital waveform control or indicator.

  1. Right-click a graph, chart, table, picture control, digital data, or digital waveform control or indicator and select Export»Export Simplified Image from the shortcut menu to display the Export Simplified Image dialog box.
Note  The Export Simplified Image menu item is not available for intensity graphs, intensity charts, 3D graphs, or 3D picture controls.
  1. In the Export Simplified Image dialog box, select the format of the file.
  2. Select whether you want to save to the clipboard or to disk.
  3. (Optional) Place a checkmark in the Hide Grid checkbox to hide the grid of a graph or chart.
  4. Click the Save button to save the image to disk.

You also can use the Export Simplified Image method to export an image of a graph, chart, table, or digital data control programmatically.

You can use the Get Image method to export the image of a control or indicator programmatically.