Dragging and Dropping VIs, Pictures, and Text

Click the Select a VI icon or text on the Functions palette, navigate to a VI, double-click the VI or drag the VI to the block diagram to create a subVI call to that VI. Use the same technique for custom controls, type definitions, and global variables. You also can drag text and pictures from the Windows Explorer and other applications to copy them to front panels and block diagrams.

Note  You cannot release the object until LabVIEW highlights the destination. You can press the <Esc> key before you release the mouse button to cancel a drag and drop operation.

You can perform the following tasks within LabVIEW using the drag and drop capabilities:

You can perform the following tasks between LabVIEW and another application using the drag and drop capabilities:

Note  (macOS) Your system must have the Drag Manager to drag and drop text and pictures from other applications. Systems 7.5 and later include the Drag Manager. It is available for System 7.0 up to System 7.5 as an extension from Apple Computer.

Refer to your operating system documentation for more information about drag and drop capabilities.