Creating New Controls in an ActiveX Container

Complete the following steps to create a new ActiveX control in an ActiveX container.

  1. Add an ActiveX container to the front panel window.

     Add  Find
  2. Right-click the ActiveX container in the front panel window and select Insert ActiveX Object from the shortcut menu to display the Select ActiveX Object dialog box.
  3. Select Create Control from the pull-down menu in the Select ActiveX Object dialog box.
  4. Select an ActiveX control from the list of those registered with the computer and click the OK button. The ActiveX control appears in the ActiveX front panel container.
Note  If you place a checkmark in the Validate Servers checkbox, LabVIEW verifies the server and lists only the servers in the registry that actually exist on your computer. If you do not place a checkmark in the Validate Servers checkbox, LabVIEW does not verify the server and lists all servers in the registry.
  1. Access the ActiveX properties associated with the control or document to set the properties for the control or document or invoke a method on the object.