Creating a Radio Buttons Control

Complete the following steps to create a radio buttons control.

  1. Add a radio buttons control to the front panel window.

     Add  Find
  2. (Optional) Add additional Boolean controls to the radio buttons control.

     Add  Find

    You also can clone an existing Boolean control in the radio buttons control.
  3. (Optional) Configure the radio buttons control by right-clicking the control and selecting from the following items in the shortcut menu:
  4. Use the Labeling tool to edit the label of each Boolean control in the radio buttons control. Each Boolean control must have a unique label. If you selected the Allow No Selection option and you create a label of No Selection for a Boolean control in the radio buttons control, the VI returns a broken Run button.
  5. Create a Case structure to handle the item the user selected in the radio buttons control. A radio buttons control appears on the block diagram as an enumerated type. If no item is selected, the numeric value of the radio buttons control is 0, and the string value is No Selection.

You also can use the Allow No Selection property to give users the option not to select any Boolean control in the radio buttons control programmatically.

Refer to the following VIs for examples of using a radio buttons control: