Changing the Default Ports for TCP-Based NI-PSP (NI Linux Real-Time, Windows)

Complete the following steps to create the LogosXT.ini file and use it to modify TCP ports NI Publish-Subscribe Protocol (NI-PSP) checks for availability.

  1. Create a new text document in the appropriate directory for your operating system:

    Windows Directory
    1. Configure Windows to show all hidden folders.
    2. Navigate to the \National Instruments\Logos XT subfolder in the common application directory. The location of this directory depends on how you configured the installation of LabVIEW. The default location is C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\Logos XT. Create this subfolder if it does not exist.
    3. Create a new text document.
    4. Name the new text document LogosXT.ini and place it in the Logos XT subfolder.

    NI Linux Real-Time Directory
    1. Log in to the RT target with administrator privileges.
    2. Navigate to the /etc/natinst/ directory.
    3. Create a new text document.
    4. Name the new text document LogosXT.ini
      Note Note   The file system is case-sensitive.
  2. Open LogosXT.ini and enter the following text.

    LogosXT_PortBase = 59110
    LogosXT_NumPortsToCheck = 100
    Note Note  LogosXT_PortBase specifies the port where the NI-PSP protocol begins to check availability. LogosXT_NumPortsToCheck specifies the maximum number of ports the protocol checks. By default, NI-PSP begins checking port availability at port 59110 and checks a maximum of 100 ports.
  3. To modify the first port the NI-PSP protocol checks for availability, delete 59110 and enter a different port number for LogosXT_PortBase. To modify the maximum number of ports the NI-PSP protocol checks for availability, delete 100 and enter a different number for LogosXT_NumPortsToCheck.
  4. Save and close LogosXT.ini. The changes take effect when you restart LabVIEW.