Available Units in LabVIEW

The following tables display the units available in LabVIEW. LabVIEW recognizes both SI units and units from other systems of measurement. The symbol * indicates the base units LabVIEW uses.

SI Base Units

The base units in LabVIEW are the SI base units.

Quantity Name Unit Abbreviation
length meter* m
mass kilogram* kg
time second* s
electric current ampere* A
thermodynamic temperature kelvin* K
amount of substance mole* mol
luminous intensity candela* cd

SI Derived Units

LabVIEW also recognizes units derived from the SI base units. The following table shows SI derived units that LabVIEW recognizes.

Quantity Name Unit Abbreviation
area square meter m2
volume cubic meter m3
mass gram g
velocity meters per second m/s
acceleration meters per second squared m/s2
wave number reciprocal meter m-1
mass density kilograms per cubic meter kg/m3
specific volume cubic meters per kilogram m3/kg
current density amperes per square meter A/m2
magnetic field strength amperes per meter A/m
amount-of-substance concentration moles per cubic meter mol/m3
luminance candelas per square meter cd/m2
mass fraction kilogram per kilogram kg/kg
plane angle radian* rad
solid angle steradian* sr
frequency hertz Hz
force newton N
pressure, stress pascal Pa
energy, quantity of heat, work joule J
power, radiant flux watt W
electric charge coulomb C
electric potential difference volt V
capacitance farad F
electric resistance ohm Ohm
electric conductance siemens S
magnetic flux weber Wb
magnetic flux density tesla T
inductance henry H
temperature (absolute) degree Celsius degC
luminous flux lumen lm
illuminance lux lx
activity (of a radionuclide) becquerel Bq
absorbed dose, kerma, specific energy (imparted) gray Gy
dose equivalent sievert Sv

Other Units

LabVIEW also recognizes various units from other non-SI systems of measurement. The following table lists these other units.

Quantity Name Unit Abbreviation
activity curie Ci
area acre acre
barn b
hectare ha
dynamic viscosity poise P
electric power horsepower (electric) hp
energy British thermal unit (mean) Btu
calorie (thermal) cal
electron volt eV
erg erg
force dyne dyn
pound-force lbf
illuminance foot-candle fc
length ångström Angstrom
astronomical unit AU
chain chain
cubit cubit
fathom fathom
fermi fermi
foot ft
furlong furlong
hubble hubble
inch in
light year ly
mile mi
rod rod
yard yd
lens power dioptre dpt
magnetism emu emu
gauss Gs
maxwell Mx
oersted Oe
mass carat CM
dram dr
grain gr
metric tonne t
ounce oz
pound-mass lb
slug slug
stone stone
ton (UK) Ton
ton (US short) ton
unified atomic mass unit u
plane angle degree deg
minute '
second "
pressure atmosphere atm
bar bar
meter of mercury m.Hg
pound per square inch psi
torr torr
radiation dose Rad Rad
radiation exposure roentgen r
radiation exposure: man roentgen equivalent man rem
temperature (absolute) degree Fahrenheit degF
temperature difference (relative) Celsius degree Cdeg
Fahrenheit degree Fdeg
time day d
hour h
minute min
year a
velocity knot kn
volume barrel barrel
bushel bushel
fluid dram fl.dr
fluid ounce fl.oz
gallon (imperial) UKgal
gallon (US) gal
gill gill
liter l
minim minim
peck peck
pint pint
quart quart