Adding a Directory to VI Search Path

LabVIEW first searches for a VI in memory. If the VI is in memory, LabVIEW opens that version. If the VI is not in memory, LabVIEW uses the VI search path to locate the VI. If LabVIEW cannot find the VI, you can select a VI of any name from the file dialog box. LabVIEW replaces all instances of the missing VI with the VI that you select. If you want to open a different version of a VI already in memory, the versions must have different names.

Complete the following steps to add a new directory to the VI search path.

  1. Select Tools»Options to display the Options dialog box.
  2. Select Paths from the Category list.
  3. Select VI Search Path from the Path Chooser pull-down menu.
  4. Remove the checkmark from the Use default checkbox.
  5. Use the Browse button, which displays a file dialog box, or the pull-down menu to the right of the Browse button, which contains a list of paths, to navigate to the directory that the LabVIEW development environment searches.
  6. Click the Select Folder button to select the directory.
  7. After you select the directory, LabVIEW inserts the path in the text box to the right of the Browse button. You can edit the path in this text box. When you select a path, LabVIEW normally searches that directory but not its subdirectories. You can make the search hierarchical by appending an asterisk (*) to the new path item. For example, enter LabVIEW/*, LabVIEW\*, or LabVIEW:* to search LabVIEW and its subdirectories.
  8. Use the Insert Before, Insert After, or Replace buttons to add and move directories in the Path List. Click the Remove button to place the removed path in the text box in case you decide to re-insert it elsewhere in the list.
  9. Click the OK button when you finish adding a new directory to the search path. Changes to the VI search path take effect when you restart LabVIEW.