Adding Color Ramps to Dials, Knobs, and Gauges

A color ramp uses color to display its numeric value. You configure a color scale that consists of at least two arbitrary markers, each with a numeric value and a corresponding display color. As the input value changes, the color displayed changes to the color that corresponds to that value. Color ramps are useful for visually indicating data ranges, such as a warning range for when a gauge reaches dangerous values. For example, you can use a color ramp to set the color scale for intensity graphs and charts.

Complete the following steps to add and configure a color ramp:

  1. Right-click a dial, knob, or gauge and select Visible Items»Ramp from the shortcut menu to add a color ramp.
  2. Right-click the color ramp or a marker and select Marker Spacing»Arbitrary from the shortcut menu to switch the color ramp to arbitrary marker spacing.
  3. To change the value of an arbitrary marker on a color ramp, use the Operating tool to drag the marker to the value you want or use the Labeling tool to highlight the text of the marker and enter a new value. When you drag a marker, the cursor changes to to indicate the tool is over a marker.
  4. To add a new marker to the color ramp, right-click the position on the color ramp where you want to add a new marker and select Add Marker from the shortcut menu. LabVIEW adds a new marker to that location. You also can press the <Ctrl> key while you drag an existing marker to the location where you want to add a marker. (macOS) Press the <Option> key. (Linux) Press the <Alt> key.
  5. Use the Operating or Positioning tools to right-click the marker next to the color ramp and select Marker Color from the shortcut menu to change the color associated with a marker.
  6. Select the color you want from the color picker that appears.
  7. Resize the color ramp by moving the Positioning tool over one of the handles that appear on the midpoints of the color ramp. Drag the handle to the width you want.
Note Note  Meters have a visible color ramp by default.