
You can purchase several add-on software packages for developing specialized applications in LabVIEW. LabVIEW add-ons include modules and toolkits that National Instruments develops and toolkits, applications, and other code from third parties. You can purchase the following add-on packages to extend the LabVIEW programming environment:

LabVIEW Add-ons from National Instruments

If you evaluate a LabVIEW module or toolkit, at any point during the evaluation period, you can upgrade from an evaluation version to the paid version.

After you install a LabVIEW add-on such as a module, toolkit, or driver, the documentation for that add-on appears in a separate help system you can access by selecting Help»Add-On Help, where Add-On Help is the name of the separate help system for the add-on.

(Windows) You also can locate the help for the add-on you installed on the Contents tab of the LabVIEW Help in one of the following places.

Refer to the National Instruments website for a complete offering of LabVIEW modules and toolkits.

LabVIEW Add-ons from Third Parties

Use the JKI VI Package Manager (VIPM) software to find, install, and manage add-ons from third parties. Third-party LabVIEW add-ons include palettes of VIs, instrument drivers, custom controls and indicators, and so on. Refer to the LabVIEW Tools Network for more information about available third-party add-ons.