Tick Count Express VI

Owning Palette: Execution Control Express VIs and Structures

Requires: DSP Module, FPGA Module, or Real-Time Module

Returns the value of a free running counter in the units specified. The output and internal counter are both of the configured width.

If you do not have the FPGA, Real-Time, or DSP modules, you can use the Tick Count (ms) function instead.

Dialog Box Options
Block Diagram Outputs
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Dialog Box Options

Counter UnitsUnit of time the VI uses for the counter.
Note  (Windows) The Windows operating system supports only millisecond resolution. If you select a µSec or Tick resolution under Windows, the VI does not provide exact timing and instead provides an approximation that averages to the requested time over the course of the timing interval. Windows does not support resolutions under one millisecond and rounds them up to one millisecond.
  • Ticks—Sets the counter units to a single clock cycle, the length of which is determined by the clock rate for which the VI is compiled.
  • µSec—Sets the counter units to microseconds.
  • mSec—Sets the counter units to milliseconds.
Size of Internal CounterSpecifies the maximum time a timer can track. To save space on the FPGA, use the smallest Size of Internal Counter possible for the FPGA VI.

Block Diagram Outputs

Tick CountReturns the value of a free running counter at the time the VI wakes up. A free running counter rolls over when the counter reaches the maximum of Size of Internal Counter specified in the configuration dialog box.