Scaling and Mapping Express VI

Owning Palette: Arithmetic & Comparison Express VIs

Requires: Full Development System

Changes the amplitude of a signal by scaling or mapping the signal.


Dialog Box Options
Block Diagram Inputs
Block Diagram Outputs
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Dialog Box Options

Scaling or Mapping TypeContains the following options:
  • Normalize—Determines the scale and offset necessary to transform the signal so that its maximum is Highest peak and its minimum is Lowest peak.
    • Lowest peak—Specifies the minimum value used to normalize the signal. The default is 0.
    • Highest peak—Specifies the maximum value used to normalize the signal. The default is 1.
  • Linear (Y=mX+b)—Sets the scale mapping mode to be linear, which scales the signal based on a straight line.
    • Slope (m)—Slope used for Linear (Y=mX+b) scaling. The default is 1.
    • Y intercept (b)—Intercept used for Linear (Y=mX+b) scaling. The default is 0.
  • Logarithmic—Sets the scale mapping mode to be logarithmic, which scales the signal based on a decibel reference. LabVIEW scales the signal using the following equation:

    y = 20log10(x/db reference)

    • db reference—Reference for the Logarithmic scaling. The default is 1.
  • Interpolated—Scales the signals based on a table of values that are interpolated linearly onto a scaling factor.
    • Define Table—Displays the Define Signal dialog box, which you use to define a table of values for Interpolated scaling.

Block Diagram Inputs

SignalsContains the input signal or signals.
error inDescribes error conditions that occur before this node runs.

Block Diagram Outputs

Scaled SignalsReturns the scaled signals.
error outContains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

This Express VI operates similarly to the following VIs and functions:

Waveform Scale and Offset


Refer to the Express VI - Scaling and Mapping VI in the labview\examples\Express VIs directory for an example of using the Scaling and Mapping Express VI.

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