Formula Express VI

Owning Palette: Arithmetic & Comparison Express VIs

Requires: Base Development System

Uses a calculator interface to create mathematical formulas. You can use this Express VI to perform most math functions that a basic scientific calculator can compute.

Dialog Box Options
Block Diagram Inputs
Block Diagram Outputs
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Dialog Box Options

FormulaDisplays the formula as you enter it. You can enter variables and operations into this text box by using the Input buttons or by directly entering a formula.
ErrorsIndicates if the formula is valid.
X1Enters a variable (X1-X8) into the formula. Enter a new variable name in the Label text box associated with the variable to rename the variable.
X1 (STR)Displays the name of the variable. Enter a new variable name in this text box to rename the default variable (X1-X8).
HomeMoves the cursor to the beginning of the text in the formula text box.
BackspaceDeletes the last character entered in the formula text box.
ClearCompletely clears the text in the formula text box.
EndMoves the cursor to the end of the text in the formula text box.
eEnters the value of e into the formula.
**Enters ** into the formula. This operator computes the value of x raised to the y power.
logEnters log( into the formula. This operator computes the logarithm to the base 10.
lnEnters ln( into the formula. This operator computes the natural base e logarithm.
modEnters mod( into the formula. This operator computes the remainder of x/y, when the quotient is rounded toward –Infinity.
minEnters min( into the formula. This operator compares two integer values and returns the smaller value.
PiEnters the value of Pi into the formula.
sqrtEnters sqrt( into the formula. This operator computes the square root.
log2Enters log2( into the formula. This operator computes the base-2 logarithm.
expEnters exp( into the formula. This operator computes the value of e raised to a power.
remEnters rem( into the formula. This operator computes the remainder of x/y, when the quotient is rounded to the nearest integer
maxEnters max( into the formula. This operator compares two integer values and returns the larger value.
sinEnters sin( into the formula. This operator computes the sine of x, where x is in radians.
absEnters abs( into the formula. This operation computes the absolute value of x.
cosEnters cos( into the formula. This operator computes the cosine of x, where x is in radians.
intEnters int( into the formula. This operation rounds x to the nearest integer.
tanEnters tan( into the formula. This operation computes the tangent of x, where x is in radians.
signEnters sign( into the formula. This operation returns 1 if x is greater than 0, returns 0 if x is equal to 0, and returns –1 if x is less than 0.
Decimal PointEnters the decimal separator into the formula. Regardless of the decimal pointer settings, this dialog box only uses the period (.) as a decimal separator. This Express VI uses the Formula Node, and the Formula Node does not recognize localized decimal separators and reserves the comma for another use.
EEnters E into the formula, where E represents the power of 10 exponent.
(Left parenthesis.
)Right parenthesis.
More FunctionsContains more advanced functions, such as acos, expm1, floor, gamma, and sinc, that you can use in the Formula Express VI.

Block Diagram Inputs

X1(X1-X8) are the input values for the formula you specified in the configuration dialog box.
error inDescribes error conditions that occur before this node runs.

Block Diagram Outputs

ResultReturns the resulting data based on the configuration of the Express VI.
error outContains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

This Express VI operates similarly to the following VIs and functions:

Expression Node
Formula Node
Eval Formula Node
Eval Formula String
Eval Multi-Variable Array