Support Manager

The support manager contains a collection of constants, macros, basic data types, and functions, such for bit or byte manipulation of data, string manipulation, mathematical operations, sorting, searching, and determining the current time and date.

The string functions contain much of the functionality of the string libraries supplied with standard C compilers, such as string concatenation and formatting. You can use variations of many of these functions with LabVIEW strings, Pascal strings, and C strings. The following table describes the different string types.

String Type Description
LabVIEW 4-byte length field followed by data, generally stored in a handle
Pascal 1-byte length field followed by data
C data terminated by a null character

With the utility functions, you can sort and search on arbitrary data types, using quicksort and binary search algorithms. You also can convert numeric error codes to the associated text description.

The support manager also contains transcendental functions for many complex and extended floating-point operations.

Certain routines specify time as a data structure. The following example code illustrates specifying time as a data structure:

typedef struct {

����int32sec;/* 0:59 */

����int32min;/* 0:59 */

����int32hour;/* 0:23 */

����int32mday;/* day of the month, 1:31 */

����int32mon;/* month of the year, 1:12 */

����int32year;/* year, 1600:3000 */

����int32wday;/* day of the week, 1:7 for Sun:Sat */

����int32yday;/* day of year (julian date), 1:366 */

����int32isdst;/* 1 if daylight savings time */

����} DateRec;