TimeCString (LabVIEW Manager Function)

CStr TimeCString(secs, fmt);


Returns a pointer to a string representing the time of day corresponding to t seconds after 12:00 a.m., Friday, January 1, 1904, Universal Time [01-01-1904 00:00:00]. Date formats vary with your system configuration.

Note  This function was formerly called TimeString.


Name Type Description
secs uInt32 Seconds since 12:00 a.m., Friday, January 1, 1904, Universal Time [01-01-1904 00:00:00].
fmt int32 Indicates the format of the returned time string, using the following values:
  • 0hh:mm format, where hh is the hour (0 through 23, with 0 as midnight), and the mm is the minute (0 through 59).
  • 1hh:mm:ss format, where hh is the hour, mm is the minute (0 through 59), and ss is the second (0 through 59).

Return Value

The time as a C string.