Waveform Error Codes

The Waveform VIs and functions and VI Server properties and methods can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.

Code Description
−1821 Waveform data type file datalog type conflict. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about migrating waveform data from LabVIEW 6.x to LabVIEW 7.x.
−1820 The t0 does not align with the end of the previous signal. Appending two waveforms may require that the t0 of the second waveform match the value of the last point in the first waveform. This error is returned when this is required, but the requirement is not met.
−1817 Specified start position or signal index is out of range.
−1816 Full Scale Range cannot be less than or equal to zero.
−1815 An invalid character was present in the spreadsheet string. Use only 0, 1, L, H, X, Z, V, or T.
−1813 Too many signals to convert into the specified data type.
−1812 Specified start position or duration is out of range.
−1811 Both waveforms must contain the same number of signals.
−1810 The number of samples to compare exceeds the number of samples after the start sample.
−1809 Highest resolution supported for conversion is 52.
−1808 Values other than 0, 1, L, H are present in the digital data.
−1807 Appending data with mismatched numbers of digital samples or signals.
−1806 Signal value input is outside the range of the digital data.
−1805 Start index out of range
−1804 Start index, value, or tolerance is NaN
−1803 Waveform x-axis value requested is out of range.
−1802 Waveforms have different dt values.
−1801 Duration input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt.
−1800 Start time input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt.
1800 Start time input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt.
1801 Duration input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt.
1802 Waveforms have different dt values.
1803 Waveform x-axis value requested is out of range.
1804 Start index, value, or tolerance is NaN.
1805 Start index is out of range.
1806 Signal value input is outside the range of the digital data.
1807 Appending data with mismatched numbers of digital samples or signals.
1808 Values other than 0, 1, L, H are present in the digital data.
1809 Highest resolution supported for conversion is 52.
1814 Values other than 0, 1, L, and H are present in the digital data and were coerced to 0.