GPIB Error Codes

The GPIB functions and VI Server properties and methods can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.

Code Description
0 Error connecting to driver or device. The NI-488.2 driver may not be installed. This error might be caused by a failure to find or properly open the GPIB device driver.
1 Command requires GPIB Controller to be Controller-In-Charge. This error occurs when the board is not the Controller-In-Charge and any board-level function requiring controller capability is called or when any device-level function that affects the GPIB is called and the driver cannot make the board the Controller-In-Charge.
2 No Listeners on the GPIB. This error occurs when a data-byte write operation, such as ibwrt, is attempted with no addressed listeners on the bus or if a command-byte operation, such as ibcmd or SendCmds, is attempted and no devices are present.
3 GPIB Controller not addressed correctly. This error occurs when the board is the Controller-In-Charge and is not properly addressed before starting a transfer. For example, ibrd returns EADR if the interface is not addressed as a listener. ibgts also can return this error if the board is not properly addressed for shadow handshaking.
4 Invalid argument or arguments to function call. This error occurs when a driver function is called with an invalid parameter.
5 Command requires GPIB Controller to be System Controller. This error occurs when the board is not the System Controller but needs to be to perform the requested operation.
6 I/O operation aborted. This error occurs when the I/O operation is aborted due to timeout, ibstop, or Device Clear.
7 Nonexistent GPIB interface. Board-level functions return ENEB when the specified interface is configured in ibconf but cannot be found in the system. Device-level functions return ENEB when the specified access board of a device cannot be found in the system, even if the access board is configured in ibconf.
8 DMA hardware error detected. This error occurs when the driver has DMA enabled but cannot use DMA to transfer a buffer. The error can be due to an operating system error, such as when the operating system is unable to provide a physical address to the driver. The error also can be due to a hardware limitation, such as when the DMA controller cannot address your buffer and the driver cannot remap the buffer.
9 DMA hardware uP bus timeout.
10 Asynchronous I/O operation in progress. This error occurs when a thread starts asynchronous I/O and then attempts to access the interface while the interface is still in an unsynchronized state.
11 No capability for operation. This error occurs when you try to take advantage of a driver feature that is either not implemented in the driver or is not currently usable. For example, if you disabled hardware DMA by removing the DRQ/DACK jumpers on her legacy AT-GPIB/TNT, a call to ibconfigIbcDMA with a value of 1 to enable DMA would return this error.
12 File system operation error. This error occurs when an ibrdf or ibwrtf call encounters a problem accessing the specified file.
13 Shareable board exclusively owned.
14 GPIB bus error. This error occurs while sending out GPIB command bytes. This error is only returned by functions that indirectly send out command bytes. For example, a device-level ibwrt returns EBUS if it is unable to send the addressing command bytes.
15 Serial poll byte queue overflow.
16 SRQ stuck in ON position. This error occurs when the driver is unable to wait for the RQS bit to set during a device-level ibwait.
17 Unrecognized command.
19 Board not present.
20 Table error. This error occurs when there is a problem with a table used by a driver function. FindLstn returns ETAB when it finds more listeners on the bus than will fit in the table you provided. FindRQS and AllSpoll return ETAB if the list of addresses to serial poll is empty or none of the devices in the list are asserting SRQ.
30 No GPIB address input.
31 No string input (write).
32 No count input (read).