XML Parser Error Codes

The XML Parser VIs and XML Parser properties and methods can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.

Code Description
−2769 The XPath expression must be a location path. Refer to the W3C XPath Web site at http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath for more information about XPath syntax and location paths.
−2768 The XPath expression does not conform to XPath syntax. Refer to the W3C XPath Web site at http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath for more information about XPath syntax.
−2767 An error occurred while performing an XPath query. Refer to the W3C XPath Web site at http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath for more information about XPath syntax.
−2766 Attempted to perform an XPath query with an invalid node refnum.
−2765 File already exists at the specified path.
−2764 Attempted to call Create Document with invalid document type.
−2763 Attempted to set the Loading External DTD flag on invalid document.
−2762 Attempted to get the Loading External DTD flag on invalid document.
−2761 Attempted to set Validate Schema Full Checking on invalid document.
−2760 Attempted to get Validate Schema Full Checking on invalid document.
−2759 Attempted to get System ID on invalid notation.
−2758 Attempted to get Public ID on invalid notation.
−2757 Attempted to call Replace Data on invalid character data.
−2756 Attempted to call Delete Data on invalid character data.
−2755 Attempted to call Insert Data on invalid character data.
−2754 Attempted to call Append Data on invalid character data.
−2753 Attempted to get Substring Data on invalid character data.
−2752 Attempted to get Length on invalid character data.
−2751 Attempted to set Data on invalid character data.
−2750 Attempted to get Data on invalid character data.
−2749 Attempted to call Has Attribute Namespace on invalid element.
−2748 Attempted to call Has Attribute on invalid element.
−2747 Attempted to call Get Element By Tag Name Namespace on invalid element.
−2746 Attempted to call Set Attribute Node Namespace with invalid parameter on element.
−2745 Attempted to call Set Attribute Node Namespace on invalid element.
−2744 Attempted to call Get Attribute Node Namespace on invalid element.
−2743 Attempted to call Remove Attribute Namespace on invalid element.
−2742 Attempted to call Set Attribute Namespace on invalid element.
−2741 Attempted to call Get Attribute Namespace on invalid element.
−2740 Attempted to call Remove Attribute Node with invalid parameter on element.
−2739 Attempted to call Remove Attribute Node on invalid element.
−2738 Attempted to call Remove Attribute on invalid element.
−2737 Attempted to call Set Attribute Node with invalid parameter on element.
−2736 Attempted to call Set Attribute Node on invalid element.
−2735 Attempted to call Set Attribute on invalid element.
−2734 Attempted to call Get Attribute Node on invalid element.
−2733 Attempted to get Attribute on invalid element.
−2732 Attempted to get Tag Name on invalid element.
−2731 Attempted to call Get Element By Tag Name on invalid element.
−2730 Attempted to get Item on invalid node list.
−2729 Attempted to get Length on invalid node list.
−2728 Attempted to get Length on invalid named node map.
−2727 Attempted to get Item on invalid named node map.
−2726 Attempted to set Named Item Namespace with invalid parameter on named node map.
−2725 Attempted to set Named Item Namespace on invalid named node map.
−2724 Attempted to get Named Item Namespace on invalid named node map.
−2723 Attempted to set Named Item with invalid parameter on named node map.
−2722 Attempted to set Named Item on invalid named node map.
−2721 Attempted to call Remove Named Item Namespace on invalid named node map.
−2720 Attempted to call Get Elements By ID on invalid document.
−2719 Attempted to call Get Elements By Tag Name Namespace on invalid document.
−2718 Attempted to call Create Attribute Namespace on invalid document.
−2717 Attempted to call Create Attribute Namespace with empty name string.
−2716 Attempted to call Create Element Namespace on invalid document.
−2715 Attempted to call Create Element Namespace with empty name string.
−2714 Attempted to set Do Schema on invalid document.
−2713 Attempted to get Do Schema on invalid document.
−2712 Error occurred while saving file because path is invalid.
−2711 Error occurred while loading file because path is invalid.
−2710 Error occurred while loading file.
−2709 Attempted to get Internal Subset on invalid DTD.
−2708 Attempted to get System ID on invalid DTD.
−2707 Attempted to get Public ID on invalid DTD.
−2706 Attempted to call Create Document on invalid implementation.
−2705 Attempted to call Create Document Type on invalid implementation.
−2704 Attempted to get Owner Element on invalid attribute.
−2703 Attempted to set Value on invalid attribute.
−2702 Attempted to get Value on invalid attribute.
−2701 Attempted to get Name on invalid attribute.
−2700 Attempted to call Is Supported on invalid node refnum.
−2699 Attempted to set Prefix on invalid node refnum.
−2698 Access to the XML parser must go through an initialized document.
−2697 Attempted to get Attributes with invalid parameter New Node.
−2696 Attempted to get Attributes on invalid named node map refnum.
−2695 Attempted to call Remove Named Item on invalid named node map.
−2694 Attempted to get Named Item on invalid named node map.
−2693 Attempted to get array on invalid named node map.
−2692 Attempted to set Preserve Whitespace on invalid document.
−2691 Attempted to get Preserve Whitespace on invalid document.
−2690 Attempted to call Implementation on invalid document.
−2689 Attempted to set Validate On Load on invalid document.
−2688 Attempted to get Validate On Load on invalid document.
−2687 Attempted to call Get Elements By Tag Name on invalid document.
−2686 Attempted to get DocType on invalid document.
−2685 Attempted to call Create Text Node on invalid document.
−2684 Attempted to call Create Document Fragment on invalid document.
−2683 Attempted to call Create Processing Instruction on invalid document.
−2682 Attempted to call Create Processing Instruction with empty target string.
−2681 Attempted to call Create Attribute on invalid document.
−2680 Attempted to call Create Attribute with empty name string.
−2679 Attempted to call Create CDATA Section on invalid document.
−2678 Attempted to call Create Element on invalid document.
−2677 Attempted to call Create Element with empty name string.
−2676 Attempted to call Create Comment on invalid document.
−2675 Attempted to get Document Element on invalid document.
−2674 Attempted to call Save File on invalid document.
−2673 Attempted to call Load File on invalid document.
−2672 Attempted to get Notations on invalid DTD.
−2671 Attempted to get Entities on invalid DTD.
−2670 Attempted to get Name on invalid DTD.
−2669 Attempted to call Has Feature on invalid implementation.
−2668 Attempted to get Notation Name on invalid entity.
−2667 Attempted to get System ID on invalid entity.
−2666 Attempted to get Public ID on invalid entity.
−2665 Attempted to set Data on invalid processing instruction.
−2664 Attempted to get Data on invalid processing instruction.
−2663 Attempted to get Target on invalid processing instruction.
−2662 Attempted to call Split Text on invalid text node.
−2661 Attempted to get Specified on invalid attribute.
−2660 Attempted to call Replace Child with invalid node refnum parameter Old Child.
−2659 Attempted to call Replace Child with invalid node refnum parameter New Child.
−2658 Attempted to call Replace Child on invalid node refnum.
−2657 Attempted to call Insert Before with invalid node refnum parameter New Child.
−2656 Attempted to call Insert Before on invalid node refnum.
−2655 Attempted to call Normalize on invalid node refnum.
−2654 Cannot call Normalize on node that is not of element type.
−2653 Attempted to call Get XML on invalid node refnum.
−2652 Attempted to call Has Child Nodes on invalid node refnum.
−2651 Attempted to call Clone Node on invalid node refnum.
−2648 Attempted to call Append Child with invalid refnum parameter New Child.
−2647 Attempted to call Append Child on invalid refnum.
−2646 Attempted to call Remove Child with invalid refnum parameter Old Child.
−2645 Attempted to call Remove Child on invalid node refnum.
−2644 Attempted to set Node Value on invalid node refnum.
−2643 Attempted to get Attributes on invalid node refnum.
−2642 Attempted to get Namespace Name on invalid node refnum.
−2641 Attempted to get Prefix Name on invalid node refnum.
−2640 Attempted to get Local Name on invalid node refnum.
−2639 Attempted to get Owner Document on invalid node refnum.
−2638 Attempted to get Previous Sibling on invalid node refnum.
−2637 Attempted to get Next Sibling on invalid node refnum.
−2636 Attempted to get Parent Node on invalid node refnum.
−2635 Attempted to get Last Child on invalid node refnum.
−2634 Attempted to get First Child on invalid node refnum.
−2633 Attempted to get Child Nodes on invalid node refnum.
−2632 Attempted to get Node Value on invalid node refnum.
−2631 Attempted to get Node Name on invalid node refnum.
−2629 An unknown error occurred.
−2628 An error occurred while parsing the document.
−2627 An unknown user error occurred.
−2626 Invalid refnum.
−2625 An error occurred while saving the document.
−2616 A system error occurred.
−2615 Operation not performed. Validation error. You used a method that would invalidate the node.
−2614 A parameter or operation was not supported by the underlying object.
−2613 Attempted to create or change an object in a way that was incorrect with regard to namespaces.
−2612 Attempted to modify the type of an underlying object.
−2611 Specified an invalid or illegal string.
−2610 Attempted to use an object that is no longer usable.
−2609 Attempted to add an attribute already in use.
−2608 Requested a type of object or operation that implementation does not support.
−2607 Attempted to reference a node in a context where it does not exist.
−2606 Attempted to modify an object where modifications are not allowed.
−2605 Specified data for a node that does not support data.
−2604 Specified an invalid or illegal character, possibly in a name.
−2603 Used a node in a document other than the one that created the node, and which does not support the node.
−2602 Inserted node in the wrong location.
−2601 Specified a range of text that does not fit into a string.
−2600 Index or size is negative or is greater than the allowed value.