Review and Update from Type Def. Dialog Box

Requires: Base Development System

Right-click an unresolved instance of a type definition and select Review and Update from Type Def from the shortcut menu to display this dialog box.

Use this dialog box to update unresolved instances of a type definition manually. An unresolved instance appears dimmed, and the Run button of the VI that contains the instance appears broken.

You also can use this dialog box to manually update instances of a type definition that have Auto-Update from Type Def. disabled. For example, if you disable auto-update for an instance in an application that you don't want LabVIEW to update automatically when you make changes to the type definition, you can use the Review and Update from Type Def. dialog box to update the instance manually.

Related Information

What Is a Type Definition?

Creating Type Definitions and Strict Type Definitions

Manually Updating Type Definitions