Additional Exclusions Page (Source Distribution Properties Dialog Box)

Requires: Base Development System

Use this page of the Source Distribution Properties dialog box to configure settings to reduce the size of the source distribution, improve load time, and reduce memory usage when you load the resulting build.

This page includes the following components:

Building Editable and Run-Time Source Distributions

Component Editable Source Distributions Run-Time Source Distributions
Disconnect type definitions Remove the checkmark from this box. Preserve type definitions because you can edit the code for source distributions with this use case. Place a checkmark in this box to avoid including unnecessary files for optimization.
Remove unused polymorphic VI instances Remove the checkmark from this box. Preserve unused polymorphic VI instances because you can edit the code for a source distribution with this use case. Place a checkmark in this box to remove unused polymorphic VI instances for optimization.
Remove unused members of project libraries Remove the checkmark from this box. Preserve the original library because the code for the source distribution is loaded in the LabVIEW development environment. Place a checkmark in this box to avoid including unnecessary files for optimization.
Modify project library file after removing unused members
  • Remove the checkmark from this box if the source distribution and the stand-alone application that loads the source distribution contain VIs from the same library. If you do not remove the checkmark from this checkbox, the application loads and modifies the library that it shares with the source distribution. Furthermore, the library no longer contains references to the VIs in the source distribution and causes the VIs in the source distribution to break when loaded into the application.

    For example, if you want to include a source distribution that contains Mean VI within a stand-alone application that contains Median VI, and Mean VI and Median VI belong to the same project library, remove the checkmark from this checkbox when building the stand-alone application. Otherwise, the project library in the stand-alone application only contains a reference to Median VI after removing unused members and modifying the library file. When the stand-alone application loads the source distribution, Mean VI breaks upon load because the library within the stand-alone application no longer contains a reference to Mean VI.
  • Place a checkmark in this box to reduce file size if the source distribution and loading stand-alone application do not contain VIs that are part of the same library.
Exclude files from vi.lib Place a checkmark in this box. Exclude the files from vi.lib because LabVIEW loads the code for the source distribution in the LabVIEW development environment. Remove the checkmark from this box. A source distribution must include all file dependencies because the stand-alone application that calls the source distribution does not include a vi.lib directory.
Exclude files from instr.libPlace a checkmark in this box. Exclude the files from instr.lib because LabVIEW loads the code for the source distribution in the LabVIEW development environment.Remove the checkmark from this box. A source distribution must include all file dependencies because the stand-alone application that calls the source distribution does not include an instr.lib directory.
Exclude files from user.libPlace a checkmark in this box. Exclude the files from user.lib because LabVIEW loads the code for the source distribution in the LabVIEW development environment.Remove the checkmark from this box. A source distribution must include all file dependencies because the stand-alone application that calls the source distribution does not include a user.lib directory.
Preserve compiled code You can either disable or leave this option enabled. Leave this option enabled if you want all files to contain source code and object code in one file. Disable this option if you want to separate source code and object code for all files. Enable. All files must contain source code and object code within one file to guarantee that the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine can load all files.
Remove compiled code Enable to reduce file size. When you remove compiled code, LabVIEW handles automatic or mutation changes without requiring you to save. Disable. The LabVIEW Run-Time Engine cannot load files from the compiled object cache that stores separate compiled code.
Preserve file settings of each VI or library Enable to maintain the individual settings for each file you include in the source distribution. This option provides you flexibility with the files you include in a source distribution. Enable to include files without separate compiled code and to maintain the individual settings of each file. LabVIEW Run-Time Engine cannot load source-only files.

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